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‘Suspended Coffee’ movement comes to Ontario

Homegrown Hamilton has embraced the international initiative that allows customers to buy a coffee for someone else.

1 min read

The idea of paying a coffee forward, or caffe sospeso, is an Italian tradition dating back to the Second World War.

How about buying a cup of coffee for someone you’ll never meet?

The idea, begun in Naples, Italy, and called “Suspended Coffee” — i.e., a customer pays for a coffee and “banks” it for someone less fortunate who could use a jolt of caffeine and good will — has become an international internet sensation with coffee shops in Europe and North America participating in the movement. The Facebook page alone has more than 28,000 “likes.”

Bruce DeMara
Bruce DeMara

Bruce DeMara is a former reporter for the Star, where he most recently covered city life. He previously reported for the Star’s entertainment section and on the data enterprise team.


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